Hello Friends!
It’s hard to believe that summer is winding down. I led a great group of folks on my tour to Ireland in late June / early July, and was thrilled to be able to take my granddaughter Cat with me. We had some good weather, some great music, and a really wonderful time. It’s a trip I truly look forward to every year.
I’ll be making a short visit to Kerrville on September 2nd, and will be attending SWRFA (Southwest Regional Folk Alliance) in Austin at the end of the month. October will find me back on the road in Wisconsin, Illinois and Missouri, with more songs, stories and out & out lies!
I’m afraid I’ve been the victim of the dreaded summer doldrums. Not too many gigs, spending time with Cat and my grandson Phillip…. it’s been hot and I’ve been lazy! And even though it has been nine and a half years years since I lost Mary, I’ve thought a lot about her this summer. I had writer’s block for almost three years after she died. Even if I was writing a “silly” song….. I just couldn’t seem to finish it. The legendary songwriter Jack Hardy took me aside one day and suggested that I go in a room and force myself to write a song. He said don’t come out till it’s done. It didn’t have to be good. I didn’t ever need to play it for anyone. I just needed to complete it.
This the song I wrote. I’m not saying it’s one of my better songs, but it is the one that got me through writer’s block. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope to see you all soon!
All the best,